Thursday, March 14, 2019

R.Kelly & Michael Jackson "Let's Talk About It"

Everybody's been talking about what's been going on with the R.Kelly and Michael Jackson controversies. Almost all of us in the city of BLAkron Ohio, have heard views from national media outlets and national media personalities.

We here at AkronHipHop and Mecca Media Edutainment along with The Reporter Newspaper are always trying to put our unique voices from our unique communities in the forefront. That's right, we believe in promoting not only our stories but always we believe in letting the nation at large know how BLAkron Ohio receives and perceives national news and trending topics.

With that being said, Akron rapper/social media personality SickGame Train talks about the R.Kelly situation and he also has a unique perspective on what's happening with the recent allegations regarding Michael Jackson. As always, These are the opinions & views of Akron rapper SickGame Train and not necessarily the views of Akronhiphop/Mecca Media Edutainment and The Reporter Newspaper. Below are two videos that our brotha SickGame Train goes in on. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem 

Check the videos below
Michael Jackson