Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Get Money While Waiting On Your Money

Joi "The Tax Queen" Wilson & Media Personality Char Johnson

During this tax season things have been kinda crazy. With the government shutdown, people are not comfortable with getting their taxes done like normal. With that being said our Char Johnson stopped by one of our community partners (Joi Wilson aka The Tax Queen) to see what's the fuss is all about.

One of the things that we've learned by Char's conversation with the Tax Queen was the so-called "shutdown" is not affecting anyone's tax return. In-fact at JLW Tax & Finical Services (which is Joi's independently owned and operated business) people are even getting cash advances before their big check arrives.
Joi with Ace Epps receiving her
 Reporter Community Award.

When talking to Joi we also learned that her business really doesn't get any money for providing the cash advance service. She told us that she provide the services as a service for the community. In-closing, this is the kind of service and love one can get when supporting the people and their business that supports the community. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out Char's conversation with Joi