Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Grow With Google Comes To BLAkron Ohio

Bro Hiram Akeem Downtown Akron

We here at AkronHipHop/Mecca Media Entertainment will always try to connect what I like to call BLAkron (which is simply Black Akron) to what's going on outside of the urban community. We usually do this in the form of a "vlog' or video blog called Exploring Akron

The Exploring Akron vlog is designed to
showcase some of the many different events, places, and people that our community is hardly ever exposed to. The "vlog" is hosted by Billy Fit aka Bill Fitch but often times other people from The Mecca Media Community Network or the family has done the honors.

This time around it was myself holding it down for the team. The event was called Grow with Google held at The Akron Public Library downtown (Main st.). In-short, Google announced about a year ago that they will put together a tour that will help communities across america grow their skills, career and businesses by offering free tools, training and events.

Promotional Bag & Pass
The thing that's "crazy" about the whole situation, is why bring the tour to a small town likeAkron. According 
to Mayor Dan Horrigan “Small business growth is significant for the city of Akron, adding that about 50,000 people come to downtown Akron to work or go to school. For the record, about 100 people took advantage of the classroom style courses that Google put forth. My only regret was that I should've known about the event a little earlier so that I could inform BLAkron-so that ya'll would've been about to partake. MY BAD. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.
-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video