Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Follow AkronHipHop.com On YouTube

Wanted inform any and everybody that be rocking with us on the daily or even weekly. As a reminder, AkronHipHop.com is a website that's focused on painting positive images of our people everyday.

Keep in mind, that we can be found not only on our website but we have many other media vehicles that helps us drive our mission across the digital world. Facebook and Youtube is just a couple of platforms that we use daily.

Here at Mecca Media Edutainment, we have decided to put forth a push that we hope will generate an interest in our youtube presence. Our Youtube channel has hundreds of videos that promote our city in the positive light that it deserve. 

At this time we ask that you become a subscriber to our channel by clicking the following link https://www.youtube.com/user/meccamedia360  and hit that subscribe button. While you're there go on ahead and hit that notification bell as well. That way you'll get a notice when we go live or upload a new video. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out these quick videos