Sunday, March 17, 2019

Black Owned Dollar Store In Firestone Park

Brothers Christian & Bryan

A couple of weeks ago my brotha Frank Miller from 7th Floor Clothing told me about a independently "black" own dollar store located in Firestone Park. The name of the store is Dollar Plus & More which is actually located at 1465 Aster avenue right across from the library.

When I stopped by, I met brotha Bryan Brewer which is part owner with his father. One of the doppest things about the their operation was the younger brother whose name is Christian was on deck learning first hand about operating and owning an independent business.

The store itself has everything that one can expect in stock. Everything from beverages, snacks, eggs, milk, cereal, deodorant, toothpaste, napkins, paper towels to cigarettes and some adult beverages. This store have all of that and then some. Bryan made sure to point out that all of the stores products are name brand.

In-closing, I know that this family will continue to grow their business and make a positive impact in the Firestone Park Community. What I will ask anyone that's reading this article/post no matter what side of town that you're from please make it your business to get over their and support black business. Below is my tour and quick vibe session when I was there. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video