Thursday, March 21, 2019

Kofi Khemet Kicks BlackFacts During His Vlog

Kofi Khemet

I would like to let everyone know about our vlog or video blog series that we produce here at We know and understand that sometimes a message need to be conveyed in numerous ways. Which is why we've decided to offer our vlog series to the community.

Quite a few of BLAkron Ohio's movers and shakers have taken advantage of our vlog services.
Kofi at Akronhiphop office
People like teacher Kofi Khemet who has his on mission and movement that educates our people about black history all year long.

His company and movement is called BlakFacts Educational Research, INC or simply Kofi utilizes his unique and self created trading cards and books as tools to educate his classrooms and the world via his vlog series produced by Mecca Media Edutainment.

Inclosing, Kofi is dedicated to educating and empowering our youth. With his personality, style and intellect I believe that the children that he comes across (during his many hours in schools across the city) are in good hands. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out a few of our vlogs