Friday, October 5, 2018

Is Jesus And God The Same Person/Thing?

When we talk about the "Black Conscious Movement" here in BLAkron Ohio, you can not leave out one of the most studied individuals that I know and that's The Queen, The Teacher, and The Wife, my sista Selena Horton-White. For those that don't know, Selena educates our youth via a classroom setting in her home. That's right, she's a homeschool teacher. Not only did she put in work with her own children but she has generated quite the clientele from surrounding communities.

Selena Putting In Work
One of the "DOPEST" things about Selena is her God-given drive for our unique and royal history. When sitting in her study I can't help but think that this super intelligent sister is someone that I've known from way back when Hip Hop music was "Fresh". She is the complete definition of what we do here at AkronhipHop/Mecca Media. Her swag combined with her drive to help people makes for a cool combination/sista Until next time, have some fun and get something done

-Hiram Akeem