Thursday, October 4, 2018

Why Should You Leave A "Will" Before You Die

Joi Wilson

Any time that I get to talk with "The Credit Queen" Joi Wilson I feel like she's talking right to my soul. Personally speaking the "joy" I get when talking to a Nubian sista (that has her intelligence level on steroids) always makes me feel that maybe (just maybe) the black woman "is" god.  

This time around she was educating me about the importance of leaving a will. She said most of our people never get prepared for that "guaranteed" for certain day. Her example was the soulful queen herself, Aretha Franklin. Joi used Aretha's lack of preparation as the perfect example of how we as a people drag our legs on certain things. 

Understanding how much love that Joi has for her people/community she offers "will preparations" along with a few other services that stereotypically comes with someone that offers financial guidance and knowledge. With that being said please feel free to connect with her via the JLW link posted on the right-hand side of this site. Until next time, have some fun and get something done. 

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video