Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hip Hop Rocks The Lock September 29th

Keepers Of The Art's Bay Shaun Seay

My brother Bay Shaun from The Keepers Of The Art Crew stopped by our office to celebrate and tell us about their annual Hip Hop Showcase which will be held at Lock 3 September 29th featuring Whodini, Chubb Rock, Grand Master Flash and others. One of the best things about this showcase is the quality of the show itself. I mean, the sound system is always super clear and crisp. Also, The Keepers Of The Art represent not only Hip Hop as a culture but they also represent highly intelligent very professional African American men. Which is simply dope because they fall perfectly within the paradigm of our mission and movement. Which is "we paint positive images of our people every day". Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem