Thursday, August 26, 2021

Who Is Bro. Polight & The Conscious Community


Bro Hiram Akeem

Almost every time that I talk to our people outside of our beloved city (Akron Ohio) they can't believe how consciously slow most are here. When I used the word "conscious" I'm simply saying that one is in the know or aware. When it comes to our liberation as a people, most here in Akron are oblivious to the unique cultural struggles that we as a people go through every day.

Personally speaking, I'm consistently engaged in that "struggle" mindset everyday. So much so that we have a page called the conscious community page on this very site. In short, it is my hope to eventually raise the level of consciousness of our people in this city.

With all that being said many people have asked me who is Brother Polight and what is the Conscious Community? I took the liberty to have that conversation with our community via the video posted below this article. For those that are not in the know, Brother Polight has been booked for rape allegations with a minor. As a result, many people outside of these conscious circles are just now finding out about Brother Polight and the Conscious Community. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

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