Sunday, August 29, 2021

Akron's 2021 Annual African Cultural Festival


Here in Akron Ohio every summer communities gather downtown at The Loc 3 Amphitheater. Mayor Dan Horrigan was recently quoted calling Loc 3 our version of Central Park in New York City. The unique thing about Loc 3 is the way the city utilize the space to insure that everyone's community (from all walks of life) can enjoy a dope event.

Recently, Loc 3 was the location that the city's Annual African Cultural Festival was held. The two day event was filled with great food, vendors, and an array of entertainment. One of the dopest things about the "African Fest" is it's ability to capture the complete African American experience in only two days. From all of the African influenced art, clothing, literature, and music this year's "African Fest" was super "dope".

For anyone who didn't get the chance to go to this year's African Fest, don't feel left out. We here at & Mecca Media Entertainment was tasked to capture the entire event. It is our hope that viewers that are not from Akron see our city (via the videos posted below this article) as one of the most progressive and woke places that our people reside in. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out these quick video



Setting Up The Festival