Monday, August 30, 2021

1st Day Of School At Brilliance School Akron

 Well it's that time of the year that all parents and children enjoy....that's right, back to school time! For the most part this school year seems to be very special on all fronts, mostly due to the corona-virus pandemic. Even though we are not completely out of the woods, the "powers that be" saw fit that going back to the physical classroom would be OK. Most schools are still maintaining some parts of the pandemic safety protocols anyways.

If you're familiar with our platform or have been following us via social media (anytime during the summer) then you should be familiar with The Brilliance School here in Akron Ohio. In short, Principal Ivy Dodd (along with her team) has been pushing the The Brilliance School and it's arrival to our city all summer long. Principal Dodd has had her face all over our platform (along with other known platforms in the city) trying to reach their enrollment goals.

Like I always say, an on going promotional campaign is essential to success. If you're trying to convince someone about a specific person, place, or thing, one time won't do. Understanding that simple marketing principal has my favorite Principal Mrs. Ivy Dodd and her team, ready to enjoy not only their first day of school but the entire school year. Please check out the quick (first day of school) video for The Brilliance School posted at the bottom of this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video