Wednesday, August 25, 2021

African Challenge Ragnar Drill Remix

One of the things that I enjoy most about working here at Mecca Media Entertainment is the importance of making our community look good via social media. That's right, for those that don't know our mission is to simply paint positive images of our people everyday. As one of the leaders in black media here in Akron Ohio our mission is paramount.

As you may have noticed while swiping through your favorite social media app, a new challenge or trend is taking place. This trend/challenge is so far from all those foolish ones that seems to have gotten very popular over recent years. The one I'm referring to is when you see mostly women of African descent changing their looks by the wave of a hand or sword. The dope thing about the quick videos is the music track and the viking style vocals. If you're not in the know you'll think the voice on the track is speaking some African dialect. In any event, the videos are super dope and should be shared via your social media. With that being said check out a few video posted at the bottom of this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem 

Check out these quick videos