Friday, December 4, 2020

Stay In Your Lane "You Look Average At Best"


Kevin Samuels

Dating Consultant Gives Woman A Savage Response When She Says She Wants A 6-Figure Man! The truth that Kevin Samuels gives the middle age sista is the complete truth. Many of our sistas have an unrealistic view of their immediate set of circumstances. There are other situations like this that occur in our communities. Another one is (with all due respect) the sista that is receiving multiple government assistance and or handouts. She "really" believes that she warrants a man that has his own or is considered "self-sufficient" responsible and financially set. But when you look at her current reality, she's receiving food stamps, discounted rent, heat, and electricity. Now, this is not to say that the sista doesn't deserve a good responsible man, all I'm saying is she wants her man to be top-notch while she's getting top-notch "government" help. 

I firmly believe that this world is designed for two people to "get it". So if you're a middle-aged sista waiting for that "well to do man" to come and merge with your current set of circumstances, hopefully, you're being real to yourself by staying in your lane. With that being said this video and my comments can go for brothas too. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

 -Hiram Akeem