Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Acknowledging BLAkron's Glorious Howard St.

Howard Carter

Anytime I hear about the African American experience as it pertains to history, I get excited. What excites me more is when that history hits home. Howard Carter is one of those guys who are considered a historical vault packed with “black facts” regarding BLAkron Ohio’s glorious black history.

The Grace Park Coalition and The Howard Carter Foundation educates Akron’s connected communities on the reclaiming of Akron’s Howard Street District. For those that don’t know Howard Street which is located on the north side of downtown Akron was considered one of Ohio’s most fascinating African American community/destination.

Back in the day, Howard Street was populated with what seemed to be limitless opportunities for the city’s “black” community. Almost a hundred “black” owned & operated businesses populated the area. One of the most popular destinations was Hotel Matthews.

The Hotel Matthews was visited by (not only) regular party-goers but a host of very popular/national recording artists, comedians, actors, and actresses. During the promotional video (posted at the bottom of this article) you’ll see our brother Howard Carter (among others) celebrated the creation of the Hotel Matthews Monument as well as BLAkron Ohio’s glorious past. Until next time, have some fun and get something done. 

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video