Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Another Win For Black Media In Akron Ohio

Brittney Miller of EarKandy Radio

When we see people in our community trying to impact us in a positive way, we should support them. Now many people get the word “support” confused with “showing love’. In our neck of the woods, love is shown by “repping “something or simply telling someone about a thing. On social media “support” is shown usually by sharing or liking a post. In-reality the word “support” is to simply pay for it or to throw money at it in some kind of way.

Akron Ohio based EarKandy Radio (an internet radio station) is going out their way to put a

positive shine on our beloved BLAkron Ohio in the form of their H.O.T.S Magazine. The publication is a printed “salute” to some of what BLAkron Ohio has to offer. As for this type of magazine, one usually sees this kind of urban publication in bigger cities like Cleveland, New York, Atlanta and L.A. For that reason, the owner of EarKandy Radio (Brittney Miller) should be supported. I mean, to set out and do what a major metropolis does in the form of an upscale magazine that celebrates the urban experience of Akron Ohio is “supa dope”

Like I always say, here in BLAkron Ohio we must show love to those that are adding something positive to talk about in our community. As of late, BLAkron’s "New Media Movement" has seen an influx of podcasts and internet radio stations. I personally believe that “the more the merrier”. When it comes to telling “our” stories in the way that “our” community can understand or relate to…. I believe that is the most important thing. With that being said I’m a component of supporting those that support the community. So show your support by buying the latest edition of EarKandy Radio’s H.O.T.S Magazine and check out my vibe session with the sista CEO herself Brittney Miller in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done. 

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video