Friday, December 27, 2019

BLAkron's Ohio's Kwanzaa Kick Off Umoja/Unity

Family Enjoying Kwanzaa

Once upon a time, Kwanzaa would come around like clockwork every end of the year. And just like clockwork my crew, click or family would get together at my house and have a big Kwanzaa kick-off. In short, I would invite everyone over to my house on the first day of Kwanzaa (which is Umoja which translates into UNITY). So with Umoja in mind, my crew and I would enjoy this Kwanzaa kick-off and all of its traditions. Personally speaking, it was my hope that my crew would take the celebration as a kick-off to a “Kwanz-Matic “type of week. Meaning I’d hope that they were inspired and excited enough to continue to observe the rest of the Kwanzaa week. 

Calendar Of Events
When I think about those “Kwanzaa Kick-off parties, I’m reminded of a time where I was happy to have family over. As time progressed and my crew’s foundation had long been changed due to broken relationships, some moving out of town and even marriage. It was then I decided to turn my passion into a business. Now every year I dedicate our platform which is as a Kwanzaa kick off resource. So with that being said, this site should be used as your go-to spot for all things “Kwanz-Matic. Please check out the quick video posted just below this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video