Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Truth About CBD Oils & Products

J-Starr aka Reece

Most of you have seen the very popular CBD products popping up all over the place. Hell, just about any place that I shop, I usually see some form of the CBD on the shelf. Most of the time I see the CBD oils. With that being said, I have been getting quite a few inquiries/inbox messages regarding CBD and all things pertaining.

Haze Herbal & Hydro which is located in Barberton Ohio houses not only every and any type of CBD product. Haze also houses the go-to guy, the goolie leaf guru, and the CDB MVP business owner J-Starr. Recently I had a vibe session with brotha J-Starr and he dropped mad knowledge about CDB and all the products that his store provides. To check out our conversation and products please check out the video posted below, Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video below