Sunday, November 10, 2019

Body Rocking The Community With Frey Canty

Frey Canty
It's almost that time of the year where we try to make a change/promise for the new year. More people try to make that new year's resolution a promise to themselves to get in shape. After my meeting and visit with the lovely Frey Canty I have to ask myself why wait.

Frey Canty is the business mind behind Body Rock Studio located in BLAkron Ohio at 1306 E. Tallmadge Ave. To make it simple, Frey instructs and motivates people in what she calls a Hip-Hop cycling work out. The studio itself has everything that one may need to get in tip-top shape.

Vegi Steak & Lobster
Also, Frey educates her clientele about better eating habits. With that being said, she now offers delicious vegetarian dishes that she prepares one at a time for each customer. Recently, I was invited to taste a steak, lobster, broccoli & cheese over a baked potato and "man oh man" it was all vegetarian and tasted super dope.

Inclosing, people like Frey is what I consider the complete definition of the word entrepreneur. Not only does she owns and operates Body Rock Studio LLC and a vegetarian food operation but she also produces and sale her very own apparel. All in all, Frey is one of BLAkron Ohio movers and shakers. Please check out my visit with Frey in the video posted below this article. Until next time, Have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video