Monday, November 11, 2019

Fighting Against Hunger This Thanksgiving

Pastor  Dejuan Kelker & Rob Butler

One of the dope things that I like about the business mind that was created here in the city of BLAkron Ohio, is when they leave the city they often bring back gifts of greatness. Supa Promoter Rob Butler is one of those business minds that not only does very well for himself but he's often known for helping out the community in which he comes from.

He along with his RB3 Sports (agency) is known for putting on some of this area's biggest boxing events. Well, my brotha is at it again, this November 30th, his Midwest Rumble (Fight Against Hunger) will be taking center stage at The Civic Center located at 3130 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland Heights Ohio. Also, he will be partnering with The Burning Bush Church which is located at 131 S. High St. Akron Ohio in an effort to feed over 100 families on November 23rd. For more information please check my vibe session with the supa promoter in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem
Check out this quick video