Friday, November 1, 2019

ATeam Auto Sales Investing In The Community

Levestor Johnson

When it comes to car dealerships, many of them are nothing special. Some of the "car salesman" is often looked at as sheisty individuals and snakes. Well, we here in the city of what I like to call BLAkron Ohio is blessed to have a car dealership who really understands the people of the community.

Levestor Johnson and Bob Haasz represent the team and business of ATeam Auto Sales located at 1544 S. Hawkins street on Akron's west side. Levestor, a known entrepreneur has invested in the community countless times. One of the great things about him is his ability to conversate with anybody from all over the city. Understanding the importance of rebuilding one's credit is paramount to him and the entire team.

Bob Haasz (The Finance Wizard) has earned that title by successfully getting customers back on the road with a great car, great financing, and great customer service. The knowledge and experience Bob brings to the table are evident by the number of reoccurring customers that he has. Like they always say, all you need to get a car is a check stub. In the end, you'll be getting much more than just a great car. You'll be getting great customer service, a relatable sales team, and a fresh start. Please check out my conversation with ATeam Auto Sales in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video