Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Best DJ's Are From Akron (BLAKron Ohio)

Akron's Hottest DJ's

Some of you may be familiar with my history as a DJ. While others may be more familiar with my days as a rapper. For years we've been rocking the culture that is Hip Hop in some form or fashion. Now we're doing the "black media" thing with the help of Akron's longest-running "black"-owned publication The Reporter Newspaper and Akronhiphop.com. 

Often I find myself scheduled to do an interview at some event, club or bar. Many of those times I run into the DJ's of these establishments and just say what's up and keep it moving. Recently I ran into two of my "peoples" that I use to rock with as far as DJing is concerned. Being ever mindful I recorded those encounters. Here is one of those videos/conversations posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video