Saturday, September 21, 2019

Louisana Fried Chicken & Former Browns

SickGame Train
Recently, we were invited to Louisiana Famous Fried Chicken located at 61 E. Waterloo Road here in BLAkron Ohio. The invite was extended by my brotha in the music/entertainment business Lunzy Armstrong. The occasion was to meet and greet former Cleveland Browns players like Greg Pruitt, Al Jenkins, and Cleo Miller. In traditional (cross-marketing) fashion Lunzy arranged for the meet and greet event to take place at the black-owned eatery which caters to people that love that southern hospitality and food.

As we interviewed and vibed with the former
football players, all they could talk about was how great the food was. Of course, talking to them about the future of the current Cleveland Browns, all of them agreed that continuity would be key going forward.

When it came to getting a better understanding of why customers were coming in and out for their
share of that Louisiana flavor we had to sit down and talk to president and owner Melvin Ellis. Talking to our brotha Melvin we began to understand quickly on why and how this eatery works in our beloved city. In short, his knowledge about African American culture and the struggles that we face every day is paramount. Being a “black man” raised on Akron’s west-side (which we call the heart of BLAkron) he’s quite familiar with this particular demographic and its specific set of circumstances.

Regarding to the food that one can partake at Louisiana Famous Fried Chicken, let’s just say it’s some of the best tasting food that I’ve ever had. The fried chicken is moist and flavored to perfection. One of the things that I really enjoyed was how the fried chicken wasn’t even greasy at all. The collard greens and macaroni & cheese tasted like “big momma” was throwing down in the kitchen. The ambiance was comfortable complete with a live saxophone player insuring the vibe was enjoyable for everybody. I could go on and on about how “dope” Louisiana Famous Fried Chicken Restaurant really is but I’d prefer you to see it for yourself in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out these videos posted below