Sunday, September 8, 2019

The 2019 A.B.L.E Balloon Release Event

Recently, a concerned sista who was raised right here in our very own community (BLAkron Ohio) put on her 6th Annual Balloon Release Event. In-short the balloons were released to the heavens to honor our family & friends that have transitioned to the ancestor relm. 

Charlessta Byers-Richardson aka Kitten has been putting in work putting these events together. She said that she was motivated to do so to honor her grandchild who passed away. Since then her Balloon Release Event has grown to the point that she had to get a bigger place to hold the festivities.
With that being said, please check out her and her A.B.L.E. Family in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out the video footage
 from the event