Monday, September 9, 2019

Getting Your Roses While You're Alive

EarKandy Radio's Brittney, 
Bro. Hiram & Billy Fit

Recently, The Nation Of Islam here in Akron Ohio honored me (Bro. Hiram Akeem) for the work that we do here in Akron Ohio. For those that don't know, I have a small media business and operation that's called Mecca Media Ent. In short, we paint positive images of our people (African Americans) every day. We use different mediums to channel the before mentioned efforts. The main platform used is our web/blog site called or We also use social media, TV, newspaper and street promotions to get the message out.

Also this past weekend I was honored with another plaque by BLAkron's hottest internet radio station EarKandy Radio. As I look over my shoulder (as I'm writing this) I'm reminded of a few other acknowledgments that were presented to me over this past year. With that being said I would like to thank each and every person or organization that went out of their way to honor me and acknowledge my efforts regarding "Black Media" and painting postive images of our people every day. Check out the appreciation video posted under this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

 Check out this quick video