Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Akron Rapper Young Bossi &

Young Bossi

This past July we here at Akronhiphop/Mecca Media Ent decided to act on something that we have been thinking about for most of the year. That thought was to simply put more focus on the city's rap music scene. Specifically speaking, we wanted to bring our Akron Rap Chart to life. With that being said we kept our eyes open for a new media personality that we would eventually call our "Local Rap Correspondent". 

Rapper & Host Dre D
We decided to work with and join forces with one of Akron's up and coming rappers that goes by the name of Dre D. I personally noticed Dre D and one of his partners Remy at a community event at Buchtel High School. We did an interview with them and was somewhat shocked at how culturally aware both of them were. After that, I noticed that Dre D and his team was representing at the city's Juneteenth Celebration (put on by the Builders Organization). It was then I knew Dre was our new Local Rap Correspondent.

The "dope" thing about Dre D is his ability to understand our vision and mission here at AkronHipHop/Mecca Media Ent. For those that don't know what our mission is it's to simply paint positive images of our people every day via social media, television, and newspapers. The unique thing about the brother is his ability to transcend the social barriers that plague our communities. He also brings his own views, opinions, style, and brand to our platform. Which is why you will often see him in the streets, studios, and the neighborhoods where our Akron rappers hail from. To be featured on this website please call (330) 937-2632. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video