Friday, November 16, 2018

AkronHipHopTV Episode 2 (Getting Ur Cake Up)

We want to thank everybody that took the time to watch the very first episode of our "big show" The Show. Personally, I would like people to recognize our show as a quick look into what's so special about "black" Akron Ohio. With that being said, we would like to extend an invitation to anybody that's making a positive impact in our communities here in the city.

At this time I would like to thank the people that are taking advantage of our advertising and commercial packages that are featured during the program. If you are interested in being featured as a guest or would like to advertise during our "big show" please contact me at (330) 937-2632.

This week during the program we're featuring the credit queen herself BLAkron's own Joi Wilson. As tax season is approaching rapidly Joi is being proactive in getting the word out about her services as a tax services provider. One thing I love about this very intelligent "Queen" is she understands the importance of an ongoing promotional campaign for her brand and services. With that being said, look for her weekly on Facebook as she continues to educate the community via her Mecca Media produced vlog. Also, don't forget to check her out on our "big show' posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this week's broadcast