Monday, October 1, 2018

Are Relationships Like Business Agreements

When we started to promote some of our programmings exclusively on Facebook we thought that it might be a pretty good thing. To have our style of conscious information exclusively on "The Book" was a no-brainer. The main show that we're working via Facebook is The Beauty & Da Beast Show. This show features ex-wrestler and bodybuilder The Animal aka Rodney Haines and media personality Char Johnson @

This week's program is about...the similarities between business and a marriage. This subject was interesting, to say the least. To hear The Animal's point of view was refreshing. Also, I'm sure that the lady's that watches this program will embrace Char's point of view. With that being said please check out the show posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video