Monday, September 24, 2018

Acknowledging Ohio's Most Talented w/Dre Day

Dre Day Williams

I luv to re-connect with people that have been doing it for years. The people that's been putting in the work are the ones that should be idolized and publicized. Rapper/executive Dre Day Williams has been putting in work branding his name, music, and movement for years. As a rapper, you can see him doing his thing on our monthly rap chart here on with his partner in rhyme Kurt Ayo Carey. As a promoter, Dre Day has recently utilized his Cleveland connections to help bring forth The Ohio Entertainment Awards.

2018 Nominations
The Event will take place on October 7th, 2018. Festivities will be starting at 5pm at Kent Stage located at 175 East Main St. in Kent Ohio 4420. Everybody from BLAkron's entertainment game will or should be there. At this Time I would like to say big ups to Dre Day for helping our people get some much-needed notoriety for their hard work and dedication. Please check out the video posted below and big shots goes to the lovely sistas of Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video

Music video