Sunday, September 9, 2018

Maintaining Discipline While Working Out

The Animal

For those that don't know ex-professional wrestler and bodybuilder The Animal, allow me to educate you on exactly how he should be someone you should get to know. The Dopest thing about the brotha is not his muscle game. It's his intellect. By just looking at him, most would believe he was just muscle with no brain. In actuality, that statement is so far from the truth.

The Animal has been dropping knowledge to whoever wants to listen for years. Myself, I have been blessed to get to hear this brotha's perspectives and views quite often. His theological construct regarding the plight of the black man, woman, and child is refreshing but stern. On this episode of The Lion's Den, The Animal shows us just how much discipline he has. Please check out the show posted above. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem