Sunday, September 9, 2018

Exploring Akron with Billy Fit (Highland Square)

Billy Fit

Being able to build great relationships with some of Akron's best people is just of the perks that come with what I do. Working with the brotha Bill Fit reminds me that we as a people can be more than what people think of us as a race. Billy Fit always tells me that keeping things professional at all times is one way to combat some of the negative stereotypes that have been thrown our way.

Mayor Dan Horrigan & Billy Fit
Besides Billy's mindset, another great thing that he brings to the table is his wisdom and experience around our beloved city. Which is why we decided to do a program called Exploring Akron with Billy Fit. The main goal of this program is to educate our community about the many different things that our city has to offer. With that being said if you would like for us to come out and showcase your event or place of business please email me at Please check out the program posted above. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem