Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Akron Stripper Gives New Meaning To Stripping

Iman (Indigo)Alexander

During this week's episode of Akron's Only "Talk-Show" we talked to the multi-talented and exotic dancer  Iman (Indigo) Alexander. Just like we always do during The Chit Chat with Char Show we have a very deep dialog with our guest. This week is no different. Iman educated us with a very different perspective on the whole "stripper life" thing.

Getting to know Iman's story one, begins to understand clearly why "some" of our sistas make the decision to participate in that lifestyle and or career. As always we have great music videos from nothing but some of the best talented rappers from the city. Remember, if you wanna promote your brand, business or style on the broadcast please call (330) 937-2632. Please check out the show posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check Of This Week's Show