Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Usual Suspects Podcast (Episode #015)

Our Usual Suspects Podcast is a weekly dive into the world of entertainment news and news that deeply connects with Black America. Here in Akron Ohio, The Reporter Newspaper has been telling our national & local stories for over 50 years. 

Since the launch of The Reporter Newspaper's online version (TheReporternewspaperOnline.com) collectively we have been busy working to establish the newspaper's digital/online presents. 

The Usual Suspects Podcast is just another way to help promote the news that effects our community in a way that we can relate to it. With our other efforts like AkronLocal.News, The Mecca Media Morning Show & other social media outlets, it is our hope that we can add our unique BLAkron Ohio perspectives to these national topics. Please check out this past week's episode of the Usual Suspects Podcast posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem