Recently, we got a visit from one of the most important non-profit organizations in our city, Mobile Meals Inc. For those that don't know Mobile Meals ''is a not-for-profit service organization serving people of all ages and economic circumstances throughout Northeast Ohio. Mobile Meals staff and volunteers currently provides an average of about 1500 meals and supplements each day to people in their homes and at dining centers. Clients include people of all ages and you will still see the Summit County Medical Alliance logo proudly displayed at our new 1357 Home Ave location''.
Our visitor, Nicki Williams stopped by to educate the community regarding the importance of what they do on daily basis and how it positively effects the community and well as the entire city. Also, she was here to let everyone know that Mobile Meals are looking to employ/hire people as soon as possible. Please check our her conversation with our very own Char Johnson in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.
-Hiram Akeem
Check out this quick video