Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Turner & Brown Talks To The City Of Akron Ohio

It seems like everybody is talking about our sistas, Nina Turner and Shontel Brown. For those that have been living under a rock, the two are vying for the Democratic nomination to the seat held until recently by Marcia Fudge, whom President Biden named his secretary of housing and urban development. In this solidly blue district, it's likely that the winner of the Democratic primary will go on to win the seat.

Here at Akronhiphop/Mecca Media, we have had the pleasure to sit down with both of these incredible, intelligent and powerful queens earlier this year. In honor of today's election and their hard work, we've decided to post both of our conversations/videos with them so you can get to see them talking to you (the Akron community) via our platform. Please check out our vibe sessions in the videos posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Bro. Hiram Akeem

Check out these quick videos