Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Network Owner & New Author Rodney Harris

CEO Of The Prime Local Television Network
Rodney Harris

People often ask me, what do I mean when I say this "Nu Media Movement". In short, I'm simply referring to independent content creators that's showcasing "our people" (African Americans) in a positive light. Many are going the podcast route. For those that may be a little confused about what a podcast is. It is simply a recorded audio of someone or ones talking about a said topic. Others are taking off via broadcasting with platforms like YouTube. But people like my brother (and Akron Ohio native) Rodney Harris are taking things to the next level by launching their own television network.

Rodney Harris is the CEO of the Pittsburgh based television network The Prime Local Television Network. One thing about Rodney is his ability to always be a step ahead of the current trends. As a brother (in which I've worked with over the years) he has always foreshadowed technology changes that has always kept him on the right side (of  what I like to call) "the digital divide". 

Now as the CEO of his own television network, a dope website (with merch), and a new book titled Artificial Intelligence (The New Super Power) my brother along with his lovely wife are truly making power moves. With that being said please check out Rodney's vibe session with myself during his most recent visit to our offices in the video posted just below this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem
Check out this quick video