Anytime our brotha and teammate Bro. G. Mack stops by our offices he's always on time when it comes to the information that we as a community needs. This time around he talks about the importance of us (the African American community) supporting our own by buying black.
In short, the term or word "Support" means #1. bare all or part of the weight of/ to hold up. #2. Give assistance to, especially financially, enable to function or act. When we think about our culture's general understanding of the word support we usually tend to think that anything will do to help, except for money.
In the video posted below our Bro G. Mack educate us about what and who we should be supporting in this neck of the woods. Also, he breaks down the term "we buy black" as a movement and company. At this time I would like to thank our brotha for always supporting the vision we have here at Akronhiphop/Mecca Media Ent and for being a true "Black" brotha. Until Next time, Have some fun and get something done.
-Bro. Hiram D. Akeem
Check out this quick video