Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Jay Z Talks Yet Another Dope Business Move

Smoove in the morning “as a podcast” is a very interactive ride. Unlike many podcasts, Smoove takes you (the listener) on a vivid yet enlightening journey. With the help of graphics shooting across the screen, The Mecca Media Morning Show (with Smoove in the morning) should be considered a broadcast as well as a podcast. For those that don’t know the difference between the two, originally a podcast is something that you “only” hear (radio, etc.) and a broadcast is something you can visually see (television). With that being said, please check out Smoove’s latest podcast featuring Bro. Ace & the Weekly Cypher’s own Bro. G. Mack which is posted at the bottom of this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this week's podcast