Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Tara Samples Activating BLAkron Ohio

Councilwoman Tara Samples

Wanted to thank Councilwoman Tara Samples for taking the time to invest her positive thoughts and energy these last few months while helping us out here at Mecca media Entertainment. As she always does, she stopped by to put a "word" out to the city of (BLAkron Ohio).

It was her intention to educate, stimulate, and ultimately activate the black vote. As she has said in the past "black people often feel like their vote doesn't matter". It was this reason she agreed to talk to the city's African American Community during the last hour of voting.

If you didn't see the broadcast via Facebook or YouTube you can easily see it here at Akronhiphop.com posted at the bottom of this article. In closing, I feel great knowing that we got some great representation "representing" for us downtown. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video