Friday, September 18, 2020

Anointed To Fashion And The Word On Grant St.

Bro, Hiram & Bro Wilcox

Recently I've had the pleasure to meet a brotha that's anointed and appointed by the "most high" too educated, and bring a level of international fashion to our beloved city (BLAkron Ohio). My new brotha and entrepreneur's name is Bro. Issac Wilcox. I say Bro. simple because he's a minister of the gospel. He also has a business located on Akron's south side at 1307 Grant St. The name of the business is called Anoynted Drip (fashion outlet).

Bro. Wilcox told me that his passion was fashion since he was a little child. Also, he understands the current climate that "black" America is enduring. His understanding of why we as a people do some of the things that we do is deeply rooted in our past and he believes that the uncompromising word of God can be our way to a better life.

One of the doppest things about his shop is it gives you that New York flavor and vibe. In-short, all of the fashions coming out of the big city, come directly to his shop for you (the customer) to buy. So all of that traveling and ordering over the internet (without even trying the clothes on) is a thing of the past. With that being said please check out my conversation with Bro. Wilcox during my last visit at his shop on the podcast posted at the bottom of this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick podcast