Thursday, August 27, 2020

UtraBlack Is The New Wave In BLAkron Ohio

One of The most important things to me is my culture. The unique sometimes brutal experience that America’s “x-slave” population has had to endure is simply crazy. Most of us (African Americans) view ourselves as crazy. Without a true understanding of why we do some of the craziest things to each other, these crazy cycles will continue.

In-short, black scholars have been teaching over the years that any and every “crazy reality” that the African American/x-slave goes through is a direct result of slavery. It’s been called Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. From envy, self-hate, materialism and so much more, we as a people never received counseling of any kind as we departed from physical bondage in the south. As a result of our condition, as a people, we need leadership with expertise in what I like to call the entire “Black Paradigm”.

With that being said I still love every unique thing that makes us different in this part of the diaspora. Being proud of our culture means to simply not be ashamed to be connected to Africans all over the globe. I especially love it when our struggles and success is promoted in music and film. With that being said the legendary rapper Nas has blessed the planet with yet another classic song/video called Ultra Black. During the song, you hear Nas spitting that fire about what makes us so uniquely special. Check out the video posted at the bottom of this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video