Monday, November 18, 2019

Getting To The Bag Every Wednesday In Akron

Levestor Johnson with Audra Miller

Many people work a 9-5 to make ends meet. Some hustle anything and any way that they can while others take the “do for self” approach. That “do for self” approach is what I like to call the entrepreneurial way.

For those that are not clear on what exactly is an entrepreneur, I defined it as someone that’s responsible for making his or her own making organism. Simply put, you have to figure out how to generate money.

Recently I’ve met a lovely lady by the name of Audra Miller and she is what’s being called an entrepreneur coach. That’s right, she mentors, guides and develops strong (money-making and saving) habits in each individual that she coaches.

Now you can have an opportunity to change the direction of your life by investing in good money making habits taught by Audra every Wednesday in Akron Ohio at 1544 S. Hawkins Blvd. Like I always say, in order to live like a boss you have to think like a boss. With that being said come talk with the boss of all bosses Audra Miller any and every Wednesday starting at 7pm. Don’t forget to check her out in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem                     

Check out this quick video