Monday, July 29, 2019

2019 African American Festival at Loc 3

Rain Didn't Stop The Positive Vibes

In spite of some crazy weather this year’s Akron African American Festival which was held downtown Akron at the Loc 3 Ample Theater went on as usual.  This year’s festival took place on July 20th and 21st  which was on a Saturday and Sunday.

As you may have guessed it Saturday’s turnout was negatively impacted due to some crazy high temperatures. The city had been going through a serious heatwave pretty much the entire week prior to the event.

On Sunday, the off and on again raining impacted the festival’s attendance just as the extreme heat did the day before. When talking to the festival’s organizer Debra Calhoun, she pointed out that the construction work taking place downtown inadvertently worked as a deterrent as well.

Valencia Sales
Inclosing, Sunday’s weather was kind of a blessing in disguise. The off and on raining cooled down the crazy hot temperatures that plagued the park/festival the day before. All in all, it’s always a good thing to celebrate our unique culture and heritage with likeminded people. Don’t forget to check out my interviews and conversations with some of those likeminded and “Woke” people in the videos posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out these quick videos