Tuesday, September 11, 2018

How Black Are You While At Work?

On this weeks The HiramGlyphics Show we ask the question....How "black conscious" are you at work? The real question should be is it possible to act like your natural African/black self and keep your day job. Personally speaking, I've experienced some while things regarding people pretending to be something they're not just to keep a job. 

Another thing that sticks out to me is how ignorant we as a people are when it comes to understanding your rights in the workplace. Coming from a managerial position for the better part of my life I've noticed our people still carrying on in the workplace the same way that they learned in the first grade. That's right, most of us still give a reason why we call off when in actuality that's not even law or actually needed.

As always it is my hope that this knowledge is broken down simple enough that a 5th grader can understand it. Like I said in the video, it really doesn't make any sense to study and know all of the stories in the bible and not be able to use it in modern times. Please check out the program posted above. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem