Monday, September 3, 2018

What Exactly Is

Hiram Akeem

A few people have asked me or wanted to know exactly what is and Mecca Media Entertainment. In short, is a website that acts as a port/portal which gets you connected to independent "black-owned" businesses in Akron Ohio. We believe that our communities business efforts do not get the adequate shine that it deserves. My personal belief is if a young person sees our efforts as a community especially "black-owned businesses" in a positive light they may be influenced to want to go into business for themselves.

Mecca Media Entertainment began in 1998 broadcasting it's first programming via Time Warner Cable. Our concept was to take the record retail shop that we were working with (Cherry's Concepts) and put it in as many living rooms as possible via Time Warner cable's public access. After that shop closed it's doors we decided to open our own record shop called A Taste Of NewYork Records and Tapes. We used the same television platform to promote that shop as well as the many rap groups that populated the city at that time.

As a result of our steadfast efforts with media, Mecca Media Entertainment started to do more for the community as far as helping local business position themselves in the marketplace via our advertising and marketing abilities. At one point we left public access and got an agreement with Time Warner Cable's channel 23. At its height, we averaged about 80,000 viewers every week or every episode. Now in 2018, with the help of The Prime Local Television network via Roko, Firestick, and Youtube we decided to relaunch our big show which was called The Urban Underground. Now we're calling the show simply The Show.

As a brand, AkronHipHop/Mecca Media Edutainment will always uplift our people, culture and the many positive efforts that they do to impact and empower our communities. With that being said please check out our programming below. Also, shoot me an email at if you would like to advertise/promote with us. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Black Women Empowerment

The Mighty MGT