Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Best Tasting Bean Pie Via The Internet

One of the best things that we do down here at Mecca Media is we help get the word out. That's right, we believe that an on-going promotional campaign is essential to success. With that being said we here at Mecca Media enjoy helping people (and the independent businesses, brands or organizations that they represent) prosper and grow. Recently we showcased a pie from a company out of Detroit. The dope things is they have a huge mail order/internet customer base. As a media outlet here in this part of the Midwest I believe that our digital fan-base or followers will look into getting a pie from that Detroit company. If you have a business, brand, product, event, or organization and would like help getting the word out, check out the video posted below and call (330) 937-2632. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Bro. Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video