Friday, April 16, 2021

Why Facebook Allow Everything Crazy Under The Sun

This pic shows up when Facebook has an issue with your post

As many people already know, we here at like to use Facebook as a vehicle to help drive our mission. For those that don't know our mission is to simply paint positive images of our people EVERY DAY. Often times we run into Facebook not allowing those positive images (in the form of our interviews) to be seen due to "community guidelines restrictions". Now, this is not a new thing for us here a Mecca Media Entertainment but it reminds me to tell our community that Facebook allows everything that puts our people in a negative light to be seen or viewed. This is why I don't understand (well really I do) Facebook banded this video of our Char Johnson talking about & looking for a book. Please check out the video below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video