Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Fitzgerald Hauling & Debris Removal.......

Frank Nittie

Here in BLAkron Ohio we've seen different things come and go. When it comes to our locally black-owned businesses the before mentioned statement is undoubtedly true. The ability to stay open for business over a long period of time is always harder for the black-owned business owner.

We can blame so many different things as to why keeping a black-owned business afloat can be very hard. One of the main reasons can easily be a lack of support. We as a community need to more like my brotha Frank Nittie who owns Fitzgerald Hauling & Debris Removal and always gives back.

Fitzgerald Hauling & Debris Removal is everything you need to get the job done. From rental property clean-outs to fence installations (and everything in between) Fitzgerald Hauling & Debris Removal has got you covered. I recently had a dope conversation with the owner (Frank Nittie)  about his business and the current climate we as a community are enduring. Please check out the quick video posted below this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.
-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video