Sunday, August 23, 2020

Advertising Your Business Is Now Essential

Operations Manager Dino with

During these hard and trying times, locally "black-owned" businesses have suffered in a major way. Some had to close their doors forever, while others are barely hanging in there. Now more than ever, promoting your business or making your business visible to the masses should be at the top of the list when it comes to business expenses.

Since the reopening of America, customers/consumers are burdened with the thoughts and hopes that their favorite place to patronize hasn’t been affected in any way. More importantly, consumers need to know what to expect when returning to said business. In short, is the business following all social distancing protocols? Can you dine in, is curbside service available?

 The before mentioned questions can easily be answered or conveyed to a business owner’s customer base by simple advertising and

communicating. Recently, my people at Louisiana Famous Fried Chicken (located at 61 E. Waterloo Rd. Akron Ohio) got in touch with me to help them celebrate their anniversary week starting Tuesday, Aug 25th, 2020- Aug 29th, 2020. The objective is simple, were going to showcase them and their food all week long on our daily morning show which can be seen via Facebook & YouTube.  The Show/vlog is called The Mecca Media Morning Show and features local media personalities Char Johnson, Mz.Pursley and Da Goddess Ebony. Also, every day that they're open during next week the first 20 people that come in to purchase anything will get 10% off. All they have to say is upon your purchase.

If you are a business owner and would like to showcase your services and changes to your establishment, please give me a call at (330)937-2632. Please check out my interview with the operations manager over there at Louisiana Famous Fried Chicken posted at the bottom of this article. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video