Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Staying Busy Painting Positive Images Everyday

Business owner, Barber & Rapper 
Deshawn Johnson

Recently someone asked me what was our aim or goal with AkronHipHop the website. I said simply to put forth some proper visuals and Intel of "our" culture (African American culture) as it pertains to this specific demographic or city. He then asked would I like some of our unique programming, shows or vlogs to be picked up nationally. I told him "at the end of the day, my personal calling and mission it to elevate the consciousness of our people here in the city of Akron first and foremost". If any such opportunities comes our way, it would have to line up with "my" vision that I have for our platform and brand.

With that being said I believe that we are doing some important work here in the city of BLAkron Ohio. With the way social media networks and the news are portraying our people, I feel that an Akronhiphop in-conjunction with our mission is paramount to the development of our community as a whole. Because if-all our children ever see is us getting  bullied or gunned down by the police, our queens displaying all of their god giving assets and our brothas acting an "ENTIRE" ass via these social media platforms then we're doomed. Until next time have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video